Welcome to Peaceful Eating 4-Week Study Pod signups! We are excited you are participating in this opportunity!

This signup is for random matching. If you plan to form your own Pod, please do NOT sign up here! ❤️


Supporting documents will be distributed to everyone, self-formed and randomly assign groups.


Signups open Sunday and end at 11:55pm Maui time on Thursday! Friday we will  randomize the file and you should receive an email with your Podmates by Saturday night.









Look for your assignment email from [email protected] by Saturday night after the deadline! 😄

Participant Name:

Enter the name you wish to use for Study Pods. For some people, this is their Facebook name or their nickname instead of the name with which they registered for the course. This name will be sent to the assigned Study Pod group along with your cell phone number and email address.

Participant Cell #:

Email providers have raised their spam filter levels and many participants are unable to receive emails from each other. Please provide us with your cell phone number so we and your Pod partners can contact you if this happens. Also, participants must have a cell phone # in order to use Marco Polo in asynchronous groups.

Pod Meeting Type:

Some people wish to only meet asynchronously through Marco Polo. Other people prefer a live meet at a certain time once or twice a week maybe using Zoom. Choose the meeting type you prefer.


Pod Global Region:

If you prefer a live meet Study Pod, choose the Global Region where the day time hours best match your schedule. For example, if you work 9-5 and live in Los Angeles, you'll pick the Americas.  If you work night shift and live in France, you might actually prefer to choose Oceania. It's up to you... the point is to accommodate typical live meet hours in each global region so that groups have a good chance of finding a mutually acceptable meeting time.

How many partners:

Do you need a full pod? Or do you already have one partner and the two of you need a randomly assigned 3rd person? If you are looking for a 3rd person, please make sure BOTH people sign up and list the name of the other podmate so we can make sure the two of you stay together and don't get put in a different pod.

Click submit then check your email for a confirmation that this form was received.

If you have a little extra time, go to the Pods Best Practices Folder in Tools and Help and watch some of the explanatory Pods videos.


Go to Study Pod Videos